Add, Insert or upload image (embed)

You can add an image to email in 1 or 2 ways:

  1. Using the pre-configured image Content Boxes
  2. Embedding an image manually into a content box.

Using the pre-configured image Content Boxes

  1. Open an email
  2. Click on the Content boxes at the bottom of the editor containing an image placeholder
  3. Click the Add Image button
  4. Upload your image
  5. Once uploaded you can further edit your image by holding your mouse over it.

The image editor lets you add images to your email from a number of sources:

  • Your computer 
  • Search the web for an image
  • Use image link (URL)
  • Facebook
  • Google drive 
  • Instagram
  • and more 

Embedding an image manually into a content box:

  1. Open an email
  2. Click on a content box
  3. Position cursor in block
  4. Click Image button and proceed with the image uploader



(tags: upload photo, facebook, instagram, insert image, search image)

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