Create a mailing list.

A mailing list is a group of your Google Contacts organized into a convenient list so you can send an email to them in one go.

Step 1: Open list screen

Select *Lists* from your Gmail Inbox:

Step 2: Create new list

Click the *New List* button. If you already have a list created and you just want to add some more contacts, then skip to the next step.

Step 3: Add contacts 

Add people to your mailing list by first clicking the red Add Contacts button. Then from the pop-up dialog put check marks against the people you want added to the list. Click the blue Add button.

Then from the pop-up dialog put check marks against the people you want added to the list. Click the blue Add button.

Step 4: Remove Contacts

To remove contacts from a mailing list. Open the list and add check marks next to the people you want removed. Then click "Remove Contacts"

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