#1 Create an automated Group mailing list
This one is a big time saver. Instead of having to manually create a mailing list from your contacts you can now select a Contact Group that you have already created in your Google Contacts and have this become your mailing list.

Whenever you add or remove people from this Group in your Contacts it will automatically update your Flashissue mailing list.
Find the Add Group on the List tab next to New List button.
- Click the List tab
- Wait for your Groups to load
- Click Add Group button next to the New List button
- Select your Group

Once created, if you click the Group List to edit you will be taken to your Google Contacts page for this page where you can make changes. If you make changes to the Group in Google Contacts you may need to refresh the list in Flashissue in order to see the changes.

- If you delete a Group list from Flashissue it WILL NOT delete anything from your Google Contacts.
- This feature is a premium feature and requires a premium account.
#2 Add a Group manually to a mailing list
When you are adding people to a mailing list you can use the filter feature to view people you have set up as groups in your Google address book.
- Create a new list or open an existing mailing list and click the "Add People" button
- In the dialog box select the drop down menu (it will be defaulted to "All Contacts"
- You will see your Google contact groups list, click a group
- Use the select all check box to add everyone from your group to the list or check mark individuals
- Click the blue Add button