How do I send a test email to myself?

We included a default mailing list in your account called "Test Send To Self". Send your email here first so you can get an accurate preview before a more widespread distribution. Your test email will be sent to your Inbox.

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    philippe v

    I sent an email to myself and other... does not work at all :(


    Great app, but without the possibility of emailing the newsletter, it's worthless


    Please help :)

  • 0
    Ian Lumotan

    I am having the same issue. I tried creating a sample but when i email it to myself, I didn't receive it

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    kevin kepple

    Can somebody please answer this question? I have the same issue.


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    Uncle Ringo


    I have tried sending to:
    1) "Test Send To Self"
    2) Emails subscribed from mailing list
    3) Personal Email

    All 3 types did not received the newsletter sent. I have checked the inbox, spam, as well as filtering all emails from "FlashIssue" but no emails has been found.

    Could someone help figure out where went wrong? Thanks.

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