How to use Google Groups for internal mailing lists

Since Flashissue is integrated with your Google / Gmail account it works well with Google Groups.

Say you are someone with the following scenario:

"I work in a big department within a large company. We are interested in using your service to communicate our departmental newsletter. Many times I will be the one utilizing this account. However, some of my coworkers will need to send out newsletters, too. How do we utilize this service across multiple users and email accounts?"

It's quick and simple to use Google Groups as a way to create mailing lists within your organization. For example, set up a Google Group for all the Sales people in the company. You can then author an email, send it to the group's email ID and everyone in the "sales" group will be mailed a copy of the newsletter.

As a Google Admin you can set up access privileges for the groups so you can control what coworkers have permission to send out emails. 

NOTE: When sending an email to a Google Group like reporting data on opens and clicks is lost.

To learn more about setting up and managing Google Groups click here.

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